I've decided, during my vast amount of free time, that I need to get a real live up-and-running website. A one-stop shop for the various blog rambling, resume posting, link sharing stuff that I now spend my time doing in between and alongside the job hunt that is lasting an eternity. It hasn't been created yet, but be prepared for something that is awesome (and hopefully somewhat useful).
Now, there are lots of ways one can create a website these days. I'd say that I've more or less used wonderful blogger.com for the last few years to represent and share what my life is like online. Back in high school one of my favorite teachers, Mr. Stevenson, required us to create a personal portfolio of our work during his Computer Aided Drafting course. My drafting work was horrible (I am not clever when it comes to numbers, math, or details) but the idea of a digital collection of work has stuck with me as something I'd sometime get around to creating.
So now, rather than my sending out a new blog address every time my life takes another direction (yes, I've somewhat centralized my 3 blogs by directing them all through stephusry.blogger.com) this will include Everything stephusry digital; CV, blog, twitter, facebook current pictures and all). I'm really pretty excited about it and I'm doing much research to learn my way around the web-building worlds. I'm going through the tutorials for Adobe Dreamweaver, and doing all I can to learn about HTML and CSS so that I really know what I'm doing even though the program will help me with most things. I'm also learning much about purchasing a domain and web host. Here is a great article that I found hugely helpful regarding web hosting!
I'm also searching the web for design ideas to mold my sight after. I'm very very fortunate to be living with an excellent artist and graphic designer who will help my non-creative eye make the sight look good while I develop the surely-awesome content. I'm hoping it will be up and running by the new year...if it's interesting I'll be sharing my trials and tribulations as I work my way through its creation. Input will be appreciated!
i just visited your site. Unless you really like spam, you might consider listing your email address a different way. Some popular ones are to turn a word like "here" into a link to email you...or to list your email as something like steph [at] email [dot] com.